Join hg8868皇冠下载 and Roland on the River for an Outdoor Adventure!
我们所有的“能量缓存”,也被称为geocaches, 都在皇冠现金盘公司的土地上, 所以当你参观的时候,请随意探索. We ask only that you leave these sites as you find them, so others can share the fun and excitement of discovery. You’ll also learn some interesting facts about the hydropower system that provides clean, 为客户提供可靠的电力.
地图 is an outdoor adventure game played by global positioning system (GPS) users. Participants search for hidden containers, called geocaches, and then share their experiences online. Caches are typically waterproof containers of varying sizes and shapes, holding miscellaneous items such as logbooks and trinkets. Individuals and organizations have set up caches all over the world and share the locations on a world-wide 地图 website.
- Use the geocache codes (GC codes) below to locate 皇冠现金盘公司的藏宝箱 关于地理教学.com网站.
- GC62TVH:蛇上最老的天鹅
- 一条河穿过它
- 比大峡谷还深
- 《hg8868皇冠下载》
- GCSZQFR:你能想象吗
- 幸福就是幸福
- GCSZQBK:治理河湾
- GCSZQKF: One of the World’s Shortest Rivers
- GCSZQJQ:战争刺激快速建设
- GCSZQJE:两江交易场所
- 《皇冠现金盘》
- GCSZQHM: Early Artists Used Petrified Melons
注意:您必须是 地图.com 查看缓存. 基本会员是免费的.
- Once you’ve selected your destination(s), 带上你的家人和朋友, 你的GPS装置或智能手机, 开始你的旅程!
- 当你找到一个动力缓存, jot down the code printed on one of the cards stashed in the cache, or take a photo of the code to use later. Enter the code from the cache card below to download your electronic stamp to add to your . 遵循 指令 on how to add your digital stamps to the passport.
- We want to hear about your Powercache adventures, so please share your comments and photos on our individual Powercache 页面s and we’ll share photos on our 脸谱网 页面.
- 收集全部12枚邮票,解决 词汇挑战短语 领取奖品!
At hg8868皇冠下载 we work hard every day to bring energy to your door. We do it safely and proudly by planning for the future, 爱护环境, 今天和每一天.
The bulk of our power generating ability comes from 我们的17座水力发电厂 along the Snake River and its tributaries. We are proud to be one of the nation’s few investor-owned utilities with a significant hydroelectric generating base.
一百多年了, our history has been based on using clean generation resources like our hydroelectric plants that have little, 如果有任何, 温室气体排放. 为此目的, we promote energy efficiency and encourage customers to make wise and efficient use of all resources, 包括电力.
For assistance with a PDF on this 页面 or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151